Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine

Cell Based Treatments

Merritt Island Regenerative Medicine

Merritt Island Regenerative Medicine Have you been told that you need surgery for a degenerative joint condition? Have you had disc disease in your back? Are you wondering "what can I do to avoid surgery?" If any of these sound like you, please consult our Merritt Island Regenerative Medicine office to find out what [...]

By |2022-02-21T16:16:11-05:00February 21st, 2022|Blog, Regenerative treatments|Comments Off on Merritt Island Regenerative Medicine

Cell Based Treatments Orlando

At Nona Medical Arts we offer a variety of cell based treatments with a customized approach to fit the needs of each individual patient. Some factors to consider when looking at different cell types are age, weight, medication and health history. Cell based treatments include: Adipose Stem Cells Adipose stem cells are one of [...]

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